HGS 100 RW

Article number: 10 002
  • High power gas discharge tubes are intended for equipotential bonding between inactive parts, which are not conductively interconnected due to the operating conditions.
  • In case of origin of potential difference between those parts, the high power gas discharge tube ignites and conductively interconnects both insulated parts for a transient time.
  • High protection degree of the housing allows using indoors, outdoors and also in the underground.
  • They can be used, for example, between utility pipelines and external lightning protection systems, between pipelines and other inactive metal parts, or between insulated flanges used on pipelines.
  • The RW variant is primarily designed for railway systems where it provides effective protection for persons who may come into contact with inanimate parts of metallic structures in the event of lightning strikes or catenary failures.
  • High power gas discharge tubes are able to discharge the highest lightning impulse currents, which ranks them in the class H – for heavy loads.
Certified for explosive areas No
Installation according to EN 50122-1:2011 for the protection of railway equipment Yes
Class according to EN 62561-3, IEC 62561-3 H (for heavy loads)
DC ignition voltage 300 ÷ 500 V
AC ignition voltage (50/60 Hz) Uaw ≥ 250 Vrms
Maximum discharge current (8/20) Imax 200 kA
Nominal discharge current (8/20) In 150 kA
Rated impulse sparkover voltage Ur imp < 1 200 V
Impulse discharge current (10/350) Iimp 150 kA
Charge Q 75 As
Specific energy W/R 5 625 kJ/Ω
Short-circuit withstanding current / 100 msec (AC mode) ≤ 8 kArms
Short-circuit withstanding current / 30 msec (DC mode) ≤ 20 kA
Behaviour after subtantial overloading Internal short circuit inside HGS body
Insulation resistance at 100 V DC Ri > 1 GΩ
Capacitance at 1 MHz C < 35 pF
Housing material Stainless steel
Degree of protection IP66
Operating temperature ϑ - 40 ÷ 90 °C
Climatic category according to IEC 60068-1:2013 40/90/21
Operating position Vertical
Installation On the flange
Lifetime > 100 000 h
Quick contact
Ing. Aneta Sčebelová
 +420 494 942 314